Puff up your pastry skills
Perfect Pastry
Making your own pastry may seem like a slow and intensive process, but that’s the joy of it. Comfort food isn’t just about the way something feels or tastes when you eat it, it’s also about how you make it and what goes into it.
And what goes into pastry matters. In our pastry class you will work with the best ingredients available. With the right ingredients there are lots of ways you can make pastry. The ingredients may be similar but the results are all completely different, from big buttery shortcrusts, to delicate puff recipes for mille feuille. Whichever you’re after, we’ve got you covered with all the tips and tricks of the trade.
Sweet pastry
Homemade sweet pastry is so easy to master and much better than the shop-bought stuff. It’s used as the base for all kinds of sweet treats, from lemon and chocolate tarts all the way to frangipane. Sweet pastry is perfect for experimenting. Try adding different flavours such as cinnamon, lemon zest, vanilla, orange zest, poppy seeds to complement the tart’s filling.
Puff pastry
Puff pastry is the trickiest of all pastries to master, but is also the most rewarding because most supermarket puff pastry is made with substandard ingredients such as margarine. Nothing is quite the same as buttery puff pastry, lovingly made and fresh out of the oven! It’s the base for some incredible treats, from mille feuille, tarte tatin and strudels to pie tops, cheese straws and puff pizzas.
What to expect:
All our classes take a hands-on approach to cooking, and you’ll be learning recipes from scratch. Our friendly chef will teach you all the tricks of the trade, starting with a fun and informative demonstration. After that, it’s over to you! You’ll be able to taste your food throughout the cooking process and season your plate to your liking. Throughout the evening chef will invite you to sample their food.
Sample Menu
(Dishes will vary according to season and availability of ingredients):
- Frangipane tart
- Assorted mille feuille
- French apple tart
Dates: Visit our class schedule to see the next dates that are available.
What’s included:
- Expert guidance from our chef teacher and assistants
- All ingredients and equipment
- Apron to wear in class.
- Class recipes *You will be e-mailed all the recipes you have cooked with us after the class.
- Refreshments and snacks available throughout the class
- Takeaway containers to take your creations home in (although feel free to bring your own or a cool bag if travelling far)
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